After a very long journey to arrive at our hotel, it is good to be in El Salvador (especially since there is no snow!!).
When our team was last here, in October we spent part of our last day walking through a new area, San Antonio des Caminos. It was an area that was more dilapidated than any we had previously seen. The road was impassable by truck, therefore we walked slowly past shacks made of sticks and plastic, people with little or no food & water, evidence of sickness and the stench of feces rose up as the sun dried away the little water that had previously covered it over.
As a group we felt genuine sorrow which was further heightened by Pastor Jorge's obvious heart-breaking compassion. So we gathered and prayed, cried and prayed and then left.
Today, we drove where we could barely walk, there are 31 houses built in that area and plans for more to continue. There is joy in the eyes of the people and what is more, many of them have started to attend the church in San Vicente because of the kindness shown to them (Isa. 58).
What a powerful message God gave through people, in our church service tonight, people of San Felipe (where we have built houses) and San Antonio (where we prayed for houses), together with us english-speaking Canadians and the people of San Vicente. The church was filled to overflowing, people standing on the sidewalks around the building, singing and praising the "God of this City"!!
We have all contributed to what God is doing here.
Tomorrow (Monday) we are heading off to see a new area, visit with a new pastor, and meet new people - in the hopes of discerning another region of El Salvador that the Lord may be preparing for us to be involved.
Thanks for your prayer...I'm praying for you too.