Oh my lanta! What a whirlwind couple of days already! I have met so many incredible people and have already strengthened so many relationships! I absolutely love it here! It is completely different from Canada to say the least, but I feel right at home, despite the time moving at the speed of a turtle. The people are so welcoming and friendly, and often get jokes out of my lack of talent when it comes to speaking spanish and my inability to act out what I am trying to say.
I can´t even decide what my favourite part of this trip is so far. Church yesterday was an amazing experience that I really do not think will ever be topped. It was a small church, but so full of passion and love. To hear everyone singing in Spanish, and then us in English was beautiful. I personally thought that it would noisey and would irritate me, but it didn´t at all. I was completely taken aback by the ability of God´s people to come together to unite beautifully for the soul purpose of worshiping God.
My second favuorite part was this afternoon, when I was hanging out with the children, which I thought would be impossible because of the language barrier but it really is not, and somehow we got into a tickle fight. So there I was, a poor little Canadian girl literally being tickle attacked by what seemed to be 2306785 children speaking to me in spanish! It was insane! But totally hilarious!
Anyways, these last couple days have been awesome. And God has already blessed me and shown himself to me in so many different ways, I can not wait for the rest of the week to experience more of him, and how he is working within these people, and within us.
Please continue to pray for strength and unity within our team, and well as energy! because it is very much needed!
and ps. Despite the situation with Stan´s tomato face, I seemingly did not learn the important lesson that was available to me, because my skin today is so burnt and hot, that you could literally fry an egg on my shoulder.
And to my dearest sister Erin, I will not get lost, don´t you fret.
Love through Christ,