Today I said goodbye to old and new friends. It was emotional. It is always emotional, but this time there was a greater sence of anticipation of what the Lord might do in the lives of the girls and woman we connected with. This week left me heartbroken for them. I saw first hand the difference between a woman in El Salvador with confidence and purpose and those who had none. Theresa is a single mother. Her life is hard. She needed a home built for her because she did not have one. Their is a light inside of Theresa that shines in her smile, her warm embraces and in her generosity. Theresa has purpose. Theresa has hope. Emily is a young girl maybe 8 years old. She is already a leader. All week she helped me, and stood with me as I spent time with the children. Pray for Emily. Pray she will become an empowered woman with an influence in her community. Gladia is another single mother who recieved a house. She lost her husband a year ago and in now alone with her 5 children. When I asked her how she can make a difference in her community she was at a lost. She is consumed with her day to day struggles and yet she is such a strong woman who has amazing potential.
Leisha and I had the opportunity to speak with our friends Stephanie and Rosa. We talked about purpose and their future and then prayed with them to accept the Lord as their Saviour. How awesome our God is. He blessed us with a wonderful translator with a heart for these girls. All the details had been worked out. We only needed to be here.
Joy and Joe