From the moment our plane touched down I've felt a sense of homecoming that surprised me. The familiar landscape, the dormant volcano, and of course the bright smiles of the people, welcomed me and I was reminded, before I left the airport, why I came back. The hearts of the El Salvadorian people are beautiful.
We met the families we are building for today, and I've tried to act toward them the way I would anyone else, offering a smile, a hug and a mispronounced word in spanish (I've yet to master the language though my 'Ollah' is cheery). It's a new year with new families and new opportunities for the Lord to show his hand at work. God is good. God is at work.
You would all be so proud of your pastor had you heard him preach tonight. The Lord anointed him and his words were inspired and challenging. If God is gives us a full portion of himself and holds nothing from us, why do we keep so much from him? Somehow he managed to work his entire message around a charging cell phone we saw charging in a tree...honestly it worked.
Stan is burnt...it's very funny to some people (Brenna). Don managed to evoke a violent response from our sweet Amanda that involved a soaking with a water bottle. Shocking. At one point no one knew where Brenna was when we were driving away on the truck, but it turned out she was standing in front of Pim. Coby completely understood my truck fears from last year. It's scary people! Only this year it's a new truck with strong welds... I had a colony of fire ants attacking my bare feet and Joe kindly watched me freak out, offering a few words encouragement along the way.
My heart is full as I contemplate what the Lord will use me for. I have no plans, no expectations, only the eager willingness to be used. May I see with the Lord's eyes, work with his hands extended and love with his heart.