“A light is lit in order to give light. A candle is not lit to be put under a bushel, said Christ. It is lit and put up high in order to give light. That is what a true community is like. A community is a group of men and women who have found the truth in Christ and in his gospel, and who follow the truth and join together to follow it more strongly."
These are words spoken by Archbishop Oscar Romero, in October 1978. He would be assassinated, 18 months later, amid the brutality of the civil war in El Salvador. The reason for his elimination was that his teachings was inspiring a greater number of followers, to confront the divisiveness of the times with patience, perseverance, great hope for their country, and demonstrations of love, even for those who were causing people to turn on one another.
His writings have been part of my preparation for my last few trips to El Salvador. It has been humbling to recognize that some of the places where words like these have been spoken some 50 years previous, homes are being built by Shelter. Our teams have walked into those dusty communities where the echoes of hope still ring in the hearts of the people. And when they see their homes rise up from the rubble of what they have previously known, through the shared labour of their family and community, and a handful of well intended North Americans, these words of Oscar Romero come to life: "In the group, each one finds that the brother or sister is a source of strength and that in moments of weakness they help one another and, by loving one another and believing, they give light and example."

This is one of the old paths that God has laid, and which these efforts are following. It is a great privilege to be able to look back with these communities and give these words new life and see the hope re-ignited in their wide eyes and readied spirits!
This week 12 families were immersed in a surge of renewed hope that raised up higher than the roof tops of their long awaited home, and even higher than the mountain peaks that surrounds them. Safety for their families, security for their few belongings, shelter from the rainy season. The provision of a home is an act of justice that reflects and furthers God's purpose for each one in a community. We can feel their enthusiasm, relief and anticipation...and we wish you could too...it's palpable and inspiring to be among them.
Of course, Oscar Romero's words were a reflection on the words of Jesus as He spoke to a large crowd of diverse people on a mountainside: "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden...in the same way let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father who is in Heaven."
Therefore, as we band together on Shelter Teams, and join with our ES staff, and now the WGM Fabricators and Construction Workers, with the recipient families, there is this sense that those promises of hope, for which this country has long awaited, are within reach. Not because of our efforts, rather because of our God who has been preparing them and us for this time. Shelter has a big goal to build their 10,000 home by 2027. However it is not the goal or the productivity that will get us there. It will be the earnest desire to see men and women, boys and girls hear and respond to the clear demonstration of the good news of Jesus Christ.