Every trip is different.
Every team is unique.
Every time it is hard to leave.
One of the most treasured parts of this trip and this team has been the inclusion of 9 high school students. Each one with at least one of their parents! It's Great Commission, Kingdom minded, Jesus centred, disciple making in action and it's powerful and inspiring to behold.
Each of them came with their own reasons for participating. Each of them has their own set of challenges that they are working through. Each of them have been involved in our team preparation meetings for several months. Each of them. Every one of them is uniquely gifted by God to serve Him in the places they will go!Having known most of them for many years, some from birth, others in recent years - it was a privilege not only to have them as part of the team, but also fully participating in everything we did: they dug holes, they drilled together walls, they put up structures, they played with children, they asked thoughtful and respectful questions, and they brought a lot of fun to our week! On top of all of that, they willingly shared in praying for our team throughout the week!
Having 9 of them (our most student total ever) has been a wonderful blessing, and adds another reason to the long list of motivations for continuing to engage in what the Lord is doing through these mission trips. These students understood that we didn't come to be heroes, but we came to see and listen and feel what God is doing in a different part of the world, with different people, in different circumstances.
Being with them for these last seven days, you can get a sense of their desire to honour the Lord with their lives. The sacrifices that they made to be part of this are many - they may not realize it yet - but they will. However the new perspectives that they are learning, may they imbed themselves in their hearts and minds to deepen their capacity to serve others with the truth, grace, love and hope found in Jesus.
They, all nine, no exceptions, have set us as an example in speech, conduct, in love, in faith and purity: Abby, Lily, Kai, Brody, Eli, Eden, Zeke, James and Ansley - thank you.