Monday, October 11, 2010


I have to admit that coming on this trip gave me certain expectations. My husband came last year and after hearing his stories and seeing the pictures gave me certain expectations. Yes, alot of the scenery was familiar to me from the pictures and recognizing people from pictures...but that is where it stopped. The word ¨surreal¨ comes to mind. I don´t believe that anyone could prepare themselves for the reality of what is here. It is very hot but you have already read that from other pòsts, there is alot of poverty hence one reason why we are here. I am trying to decide on which is more beautiful..the gorgeous landscaping, mountains and such unique surroundings or the people who have amazingly welcomed us here with open arms. Even those that will be not be benefited by a new house. As we pass by we can always count on a warm smile or a wave attached to an olla! Although they don´t have much to offer us let alone their families, they have warmth and compassion. This is all after only 2 days of being here. We start to build the first house tomorrow and I can hardly wait! No more expectations for me, I am just going to take it all in and take what I can get! the Lord is Great!



  1. Hi Team! So great to read your updates. I'm praying for you lots!! And trusting that God will continue to work through you all this week. Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm glad you're enjoying the compassion and beauty around you. I can't wait to hear more!

  3. Hey CR,
    Just popping in to say that I'm praying for you and hoping your neck & arms are not hurting you too much! I hope today went well.
