They look like ordinary bins. And they are. They have no special talents, no unique powers or abilities. These bins won't transform into anything. But they are not ordinary.
We are about to head out on a trip to El Salvador. We look like ordinary people. We don't feel like we have any special talents or unique powers or abilities. We certainly don't feel that we can change anything. But the truth is, we do feel far from ordinary.
As I think about the fact that we had so many items given to us to take on this trip to the people of San Felipe, El Salvador, I can't help but consider how amazing our God really is. He knew we had a maximum number of bags that we could take. And He, our Great God, made sure that every last one of them would be filled. All the individuals, families, school groups, businesses and community groups that gave us so many clothes, eye glasses, school supplies, craft supplies, soccer balls and shirts, dental and health supplies, couldn't have known how extra-ordinary this really is.
But our Amazing God made sure that every last item that was given would make the trip. He knew how many bags we could take and so he used all those people to make sure the bags would be filled.
In a little over 24hrs we begin our physical journey, knowing that our ExtraOrdinary God knows all that will transpire and we are praying that He will fill us up with His love and strength for the tasks He has to do, and for the things He desires to teach us.
Thanks to all of you, for helping, encouraging and enabling these fourteen ordinary human containers to be part of God's extraordinary plan.
We have watched all the items being collected in the foyer of the Church and knew that God had a very special purpose for all these items AND the team that would be taking them to the people of San Felipe. Our prayer for you is that you will have the strength to do the tastks required of you, and that the people of San Felipe will be encouraged by your presence. But most of all we pray that many hearts and lives will be touched by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the regular updates! Through your vivid descriptions I can see what you are involved in and know better how to pray. And I am praying for you and this important work you are doing!