Thursday, December 4, 2014

Love- a small word with so much power

I read a phrase before I left that seemed to stick with me and I mulled it around for a while without much meaning until we got here. "Dreams inspired by God (italics are mine), driven by hope, empowered by love, change lives forever." These people have very few if any dreams and very little hope, neither of which I can do anything about, nor can I change lives, but I can love. I felt like God was telling me that these people needed us to show his love to them. I have felt strongly that these people know God loves them, but they needed something tangible. Our presence and the houses are proof to them that God has not forgotten them and does love them. I feel so privileged to be here, Thank you to all who have made it possible for me to come.


  1. Love this so much, Karen. I think you are right....something and prayers, my friend!

  2. Love this...and you! Praying...

  3. Mom and I are so proud of you. I wish I was there but your comments lessen the disappointment of frailty.
