Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress,
and he hears my voice." Psalm 54:16-17
Today we stood on Holy ground. Today we stood in awe of Christ. Today we cried out to God to reveal himself to a small boy - Santos, just 11 years old. God knows his name, God knows his heart cry. God delivered a promise to Santos and we were there in his Holy presence, witness to the Lords awesome power and his love that reaches so far and so deep and so wide.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
We sat on a rock and prayed over a child fearing for his life. Not able to eat or sleep for fear of a gang that promised to return and take him, a gang that just months earlier murdered his 16 year old brother. How do you even wrap your head around that? You can't. I can't. We prayed and we cried out and we praised God because He can! Only God can offer that kind of promise, protection and peace.
" In this world you will have troubles, but take heart, I have overcome the world." John 16:33
I urge you to pray for this child. God has shown him to us with purpose. We have looked into his eyes. The words from Gods mouth have become seeds in our hands. They have been sown in us and His works sprout through us. Pray for his protection. Pray that his faith would be greater than any fear that he faces. Pray that he would become a warrior for Christ and that as a result others would know of Gods love and gift of salvation.
Seeds in our hands, indeed! What a great application of those things we learned from Beth Moore! And what a beautiful, tragic, heartbreaking yet hopeful picture captured so perfectly for us who pray from afar. Thank you Leisha, for allowing us to feel even a little bit of what the team must have felt in these moments. We will pray for this little guy and his family. For others like him too, caught in senseless violence! Thank you for sharing... These posts are so precious. Love you!