Saturday, December 2, 2017


As it is my first time to El Salvador, I had some reservations.  I expected to be uncomfortable with many aspects of the trip.
I expected to be uncomfortable with the heat.  I have been grateful for shade and breezes.
I expected to be uncomfortable with building houses.  I have been grateful that I was able to contribute a small part to the homes.
I expected to be uncomfortable with sharing a room.  I have been grateful for sharing laughter and conversation with my roommates.
I expected to be uncomfortable with letting my hair go natural.  I have been grateful for compliments on my curls.
I expected to be uncomfortable with the food.  I have been grateful for meals that are quite enjoyable.
I expected to be uncomfortable with leaving my family behind.  I have been grateful for a husband who is willing to do whatever it takes for me to be here.
I expected to be uncomfortable with the cattle truck rides.  I have been grateful for many smooth roads and time to enjoy God's creation.
I expected to be uncomfortable with the Spanish language.  I have been grateful for translators.
Those who have been to El Salvador in the past would say that I have had an easy week.  It has been easy to find the good, to be grateful, despite being uncomfortable.  It has been worthwhile.  There are 10 families that received keys to their homes today.  Ten families that received Bibles today.  Ten families that heard about God's love for them.
"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong."  2 Corinthians 12:10
I expected to be uncomfortable with sharing my thoughts on this blog.  I am grateful that you are interested in what is happening with our team and in El Salvador.


  1. So awesome, Christine! I'm looking forward to hearing your stories and what you can share from your perspective when you get back. Praying for you all.

  2. Thank you for sharing this glimpse into your week Christine.

  3. Beautiful, Christine. I thoroughly enjoyed being with you this past week!
