Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ready for year nine

Well we made it to our hotel in El Salvador!
We left Sarnia on time.
We stopped at the Woodstock On Route for a little refresher.
We made it to the airport with no traffic delays or misdirections (it's happened before...more than once).
Our flight left on time and arrived early...and it was smooth!!
All our baggage arrived as well!!
We made it to the hotel without delay.
We've unpacked and begun to settle into our rooms.
And we've also taken some time to reflect on God's provision and protection.

Matthew 9:36-38 are the theme verses that I shared with the team tonight.
In a world of suffering - Jesus enters, sees and responds, not just with words but also with compassionate care.

Thanks to all those who pray for us, uniting with God's heart for this team.
Thanks to all who have helped provide and there many, so many of you.
Thanks to our church family for supporting and commissioning us in God's service.
Thanks to our family members and friends who take care of our 'regular' duties at home to make this possible.
Thanks to our families who sacrifice this time away from us to make this possible.

May the Lord bless all of us through this journey!!



  1. It is such a blessing to hear your stories and get excited about what God is doing in another part of the world. Thanks for being willing to go to serve.

  2. Wonderful to know you had an uneventful trip! Looking forward to your times of sharing. Hugs and prayers.
