Monday, April 9, 2018

Leaders Meeting 2018

It's always good to be back in El Salvador. For the first time in 6 years, for the leader's meeting, my travelling companion is not Aynsley. She is greatly missed by the Canadian leaders and our Salvadoran friends. Instead Tyson Jennings has joined me. He's been part of 8 teams that the SEMC has sent to this country, and he has a great God-given desire to see the work of the Lord continue to grow at home and in El Salvador.

Our travels went well, and we have been joined by 35 other leaders from across Canada. Today we took some time to meet the 10 families that we will work alongside with as we complete the building of their new homes.

We also had a church service this evening. It was held at the OEF hotel and we were joined by our Salvadoran team: Donald and Ely, the translators, the drivers and the building crew. Some of them even brought their families.

After dinner at the newly renovated Pollo Compero, we had a brief meeting where we took some time to understand an overview of all the steps involved in providing one house to one family. Here's a glimpse:

Thanks for praying for us. We have a lot of meetings to go through as we look to the Lord to lead us into the next phase of Shelter's development.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to being inspired by the families' stories. So interesting to see how the homes come together and the work being done in both countries ahead of time!
    Glad travel was good and all is starting off well.
