Tuesday, January 10, 2023

You Get Up at What Time?

After previous trips to El Salvador, I would try and explain to my family what this country was like based on my experiences. I thought I did a good job of describing the city we stay in as well as the communities where we build houses.

This year I was blessed to have my 14 year old daughter (Lily) join me on this trip. I just asked her if my descriptions in past years were close to what she is encountering this week, her response “no, not all”…….She is enjoying the experience and is appreciative of what God is showing her. It’s amazing how trips like these can affect us all differently and how we see God at work in different areas. I think Lily has already used the drill and put in more screws than my last 2 trips combined!

As we get to know the families of the homes we are building, I am constantly encouraged of the love they have for one another. Today we heard from a father who gets up at 4am everyday (along with his sister and mother) to catch the bus at 5am so they can make their shift at the textile plant and they don’t get home until 7pm. Only then does he get to spend time with his wife and child, while very tired. I wish I didn’t need the reminder of the struggles and sacrifices of others to focus less on myself and more of others - but I did. 

Thanks for the prayers and support!



  1. Go Lily! Showing up your dad! ;)
    Great reminders for me too Scott- and like you- I wish I didn’t need them. Thanks for this.
