Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Cultural Differences

Once again I am reminded of the great country we live in. Over the past couple of days I have had the privilege of interviewing some of the new home owners.  When we ask how receiving this house will change their lives, the answers varied.  Although they have all been thankful to God for their new home, some have a hard time thinking this way because they only live one day at a time. 

 Those that have some income are able to see into their future, however others are only concerned about where their next meal will come from. One family shared that this home would give safety for the daughter, because right now they rent a home on a busy road and she likes to run around.  This new home is away from the road and will have a safe space around it for her to play. 

This week is reminding me we are all Gods children and he has a plan for each one of us.


1 comment:

  1. so hard to imagine that sort of daily stress...thanks for sharing Julia!
